If you could describe God in one word, what would it be? This question forces us to take a moment and focus on the greatness of God. Too often we charge headlong through our lives dependent upon God to help us and work things out without taking moments to focus solely on how BIG He really is. When focusing on His awesomeness, our problems become smaller and our sins become blatant. Though this is painful, it is at this point where God can do some truly amazing things in our lives. By us taking ownership of our sins and confessing them, we position our hearts to experience the fullness of all that He is unhindered. Take a few moments to praise God for His awesome works, character and love. If you are looking for a guide, reading Psalm 145 would be a great start. I only know this because it has worked for me.
If you could describe God in one word, what would it be? This question forces us to take a moment and focus on the greatness of God. Too often we charge headlong through our lives dependent upon God to help us and work things out without taking moments to focus solely on how BIG He really is. When focusing on His awesomeness, our problems become smaller and our sins become blatant. Though this is painful, it is at this point where God can do some truly amazing things in our lives. By us taking ownership of our sins and confessing them, we position our hearts to experience the fullness of all that He is unhindered. Take a few moments to praise God for His awesome works, character and love. If you are looking for a guide, reading Psalm 145 would be a great start. I only know this because it has worked for me.
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