Through Is Not The Same as For

While watching the video testimony of Darrel Waltrip at something struck me (Not Literally).  He mentioned the famous Philippians 4:13 Verse, "For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength."  I have claimed the verse, preached it, taught it, and even sung it (His Strength Is Perfect - Steven Curtis Chapman).  The cool thing about the Bible is that you can hear a verse a million and one times and it affects you in different ways.  Here's what struck me (Again Not Literally).  The word "through" is a big word in that verse.  If you are in ministry either as a pastor, leader, teacher or faithful attender you will resonate with this.

The trap of those of us who are active in church and ministry tend to replace the word "through" with "for" or "in spite of". Too often we think God is impressed with what we do for Him in the church. The bible calls those things we DO for "our" sake as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). Trust me, God searches our hearts and knows the motives behind what we do for Him (Proverbs 16:2). Serving God is important, but if we allow sin and selfishness into our motives and try to attempt them "for" or "in spite of" God we bypass His UNLIMITED power. We substitute it with our own LIMITED power. Experience His strength today by letting His power flow "through" you.  Be open to what God may have for you to do that is outside of your proverbial "box". May we let go of self and trust God to do not what WE imagine but what HE has for us.
