And The Winner Is . . .

Our culture is obsessed with recognizing its own achievements.  We see this played out in countless televised awards shows.  Celebrities among the entertainment an athletic industries want to recognize and exalt those who standout in their field. In a strange narcissistic way they are elevating themselves.  Like a child clamoring for their parents attention we all have the tendency to say to the world, "Look at me, Look at me".

I am reminded of a church I served where we renovated a meeting space.  When taking out the walls that made a closet we found many trophies where teams from the church had won softball and basketball seasons.  Most of the trophies had pieces that were broken off, tarnished or represented people that did not attend the church anymore. They were a reminder of what was.

We are reminded in Daniel 12:3 that treasures, fame and accolades we receive while on this earth are fleeting.

"Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever."

No one can be faulted for trying to achieve rewards.  They are a representation of hard work and battles that were fought and won.  However, we must remember that they do NOT carry ETERNAL value.  When the world ends, our trophies will be destroyed.  True biblical wisdom leads us to invest in people rather than awards.  Those we impact with our faith and lead to Christ will be stars that will shine forever.  I know I have received some trophies in my lifetime but the ones I treasure most are those who God allowed me to influence for His glory. 

Remember to invest in people. Those who come to know a personal, saving relationship with Jesus Christ will shine forever.
